TIM: What's that smell?
ME: I'm fine. And yourself?
TIM: No really. What is that?
ME: That's my sore knee. I speed-walked today and now I'm paying for it. It's an ointment the doctor prescribed.
TIM: You mean unguent.
ME: What is an "unguent"?
TIM: Deborah, I came from your head, that word was in there. You must know what it means.
ME: Whatever. I need to treat the knee and prescription salve is the treatment of choice.
TIM: What's wrong with good old-fashioned aspirin? The swelling goes down, the pain goes away, and no one smells your problem.
ME: Well, it's not good for the alimentary canal, it doesn't cut it in the pain department and this is less invasive.
TIM: Speak for yourself, my olfactory system has been invaded plenty.
ME: Your olfactory will recover.
TIM: What's wrong with your knee anyway?
ME: It's refusing to play well with the rest of us. We, collectively the rest-of-my-body-mind-and-spirit, are actually quite young at heart; but the old knees are grumpy old things that refuse to get along. They ache and moan and cause problems.
TIM: Hmmmmmm, sounds like some people I know...and by "some people" I mean certain bloggers who have imaginary conversations with style gurus.
ME: Hey! I am not an achy, moany, problem-causing blogger. I am fun. I am youthful. I am.....covered in unguent complaining about my joints. Oh my gosh, I'm old.
TIM: No no no...you're not technically "old"...you're just biking toward the exit ramp. You'll get there one day, but just don't kid yourself that you'll never make that turn-off. Enjoy the ride, take in the scenery. It's alright to know that the exit ramp to senior-ville is ahead, perhaps even way ahead, but you can go in style. You can even wear those leggings you're so fond of.
ME: So, I'm doing relatively okay on this aging journey?
TIM: You're doing "relatively okay"...just don't throw away the aspirins.
hold on....I'm headed for the same exit ramp on about the same schedule..so I'm grabbing my bike and coming with you...
or..my walker...depends on the day. :)
Cool...but if you grab that walker, I can't be held responsible for whatever hijinx may ensue...and I know that holds true for the reverse...*shudder*....
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